Desktop Devotional: Seventeen
Today’s inspiration needs no modification. I am going to share verbatim what has been given to me from my personal devotion from “Daily Bread”. Take a look: 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to “cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God; and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
Saints, the biggest opposition we will face in our walk with Christ will be our minds. The mind is the great battlefield where the enemy tries to attack and tear down your faith in Christ. It is in your mind that Satan will try to fill your head with doubt, pride, and every kind of thought that tries to put itself above the knowledge and wisdom of God. Don’t let the devil trip you up! When you are in Christ, the power of God that resides in your soul is able to cast down all foul imaginations and uphold the sovereignty of Christ in your mind, heart, body, and soul.
So, when faced with “battlefields of the mind” ask God in prayer through the power of Jesus Christ to tear down thoughts from the enemy. You know what they are because they completely contradict the ordinances of God. Nothing is ever greater than the wisdom of God and His power in your life to heal and deliver you. Ask God to silence all doubt and temptations to be prideful, but to allow you the peace to live a life fulfilling to Him. Then, seal the prayer “in the name of Jesus Christ.” Amen.
Inspired by: Daily Bread Co (2019)