Desktop Devotional: Sixteen

2 Corinthians 11:30 says, “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.”  Today we would consider this scripture to be an oxymoron stated by the Apostle Paul from the bible.  It sort of peaked my concern, so walk with me as we dissect this scripture together.

Apostle Paul chose to take glory in his infirmities and moments of pain, despair and weakness.  Why? It was in those moments, God was really magnified. Paul suffered beatings, persecution, and cruelty because of his faith in Christ.  Yet he was still able to minister effectively. Paul refused to let the weights of this world hinder his faith in Christ. Furthermore, Paul refused to operate in his own strength (he had none left).  Paul knew that it was Christ fueling him for this world’s challenges. Paul’s wisdom was great because he knew that it was through Christ that he achieved or attained anything.

Personally, I know that I can take no credit for what God does through me and with the skills he has afforded me to attain.  Yes, my education and experience allows me to make coins so that my family can function and flourish in their purpose for God.  My talents also allow me to share Desktop Devotion with so many people. But, if God had not given me the opportunities to develop these skills, I would not be able to share with you and others.  I take none of those abilities for granted as though I figured my path of life out on my own. God orchestrated my life just the way he planned it to manifest. He is the author and finisher of my faith and my life.  And I submit to his will. That is why the Apostle Paul, myself and so many others in Christ give all glory to God!

Saints, we are to live like that. God has gifted so many of us with great talents. It’s time to put those skills to use for the Kingdom of Heaven. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It is time to believe that and use that college education, seminary degree, or trade for what God has allowed you to be successful with. 1 John 4:4 says, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

Inspired by iDaily Bread@2019 and personal devotions.