Desktop Devotional: Nineteen
“Knowing God intimately is like having a private wellspring of joy within your spirit.” This joy is completely independent of circumstances or conditions. But, it flows freely from the Grace of God in a believer’s life.
Psalm 131 talks about King David declaring his state of mind: he is not prideful, nor is he arrogant by all of the many victories and successes up to this point. But, he humbles himself, like a child! And whatever matters or concerns that may clearly be out of his control, he has given them to God. Thus he encourages God’s chosen to do the same by saying in verse 3: “Israel, (god’s chosen) put your hope in the Lord both now and forever.” This is so important in a believer’s life because there are clearly circumstances beyond our scope of handling, and there will always be. We must take refuge in a God who sits high above our circumstances, and has the authority to heal our lands and grant liberty for solutions to our issues.
Psalm 21:6-7 offers insight to this for King David continues to acknowledge that God grants unending blessings, and makes him glad with joy for just being in the presence of the most high God. Why? At this point in David’s life he has mastered trusting in God through his unfailing love. As you discover the bible’s history between God and man, you will realize that David has seen many victories, and God has delivered him from his enemies countless of times. Not because David was perfect in all of his endeavors, but he was faithful in his trust to God.
Saints, we are not perfect nor do we live in a utopian society. But, the spiritual world is real and so is God. He sits on his throne (Ezekiel 10:1) observing everything here on Earth, and he knows what we go through. When feeling depleted or deficient, refocus your attention on Christ the son as he makes intercessions for us to God. Trust him with your life because his love is unfailing and he cannot be distracted from what you need from him. As you devote consistent time in Christ’s presence through reading and praying his scriptures, ask of Him what you desire, and it will be given to you (Esther 5:6; Mark 11:24). Seek and you shall find Him (Mathew 6:33).