Desktop Devotional: Nine

Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages a believer to trust God beyond anything you can understand or know.  Then it further encourages us to submit to the ways of God, and he will make our path straight.  Let me elaborate on the term straight.  Connotatively the word speaks to being non-bending, honest, accurate, level or upright.  In today’s vernacular, I would like to refer to straight as being good and relevant to my success.  Check this out, “But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever” (Psalm 52:8).  Saints, God desires for us to trust him in all things.  My devotion revealed that when I am anxious I should consider it a growth opportunity to Trust God.  Instead of running from the challenge that is giving me anxiety, embrace the blessings hidden within the challenge.  “Situations arise to make us strong, if they don’t kill us.” Okay, yes I stole that one from Steele Magnolias. But, the message is clear.  Embracing trials and difficult times can be a blessing to obtain the inner strength that it will give you, and to prove to you that trusting God through perseverance does in fact, “pay off.”

Saints, don’t be afraid to grow stronger in the Lord.  Faith in God is something that only life’s lessons can teach us.  Trusting God is like a staff you can lean on as you journey uphill with God.  When you trust Him, the staff bears as much weight as you need it to. Lean on God because He is our staff in hard times, and He never gets weary or tired.

Reference:  Posting inspired by “Jesus Calling”: Sarah Young.

Lady Regina Graves