Desktop Devotional: Seven
As we grow in Christ, the Lord calls us deeper into the knowledge of Him. This can only manifest by reading scripture, praying, making efforts to mimic what we read in God’s word, and genuinely allowing the Spirt of Christ to supersede our will to behave the way we want. Check this out, Marvin Sapp said it best in his song, “Deeper”. God is calling us to go deeper in love, knowledge, and trust toward Him.
Situations may be despairing, but adhere to the voice inside that resembles the God you read about in scripture. Why? Once you get deep in Christ, fear fades, worry has no impact, and you operate in faith for every aspect of your life. Faith is the only way to please God. So, let’s try a new habit starting today.
In my devotion, I learned to say “I trust You, Jesus”. Regardless of what is happening, repeat this daily, weekly, often. Also, think about how much God loves you and how peaceful you are once in His presence. Worry will dispel, and trust will take complete control over your actions. The onset of failures are broken, and fear loses its grip when we trust Jesus. Circumstances, become opportunities to not only affirm your trust, but observe the grace of God moving throughout your life. No matter where we go, we cannot escape the spirit of God. Even when we don’t acknowledge, his presence is there offering grace to us. (Psalm 139:7-10)
Salvation is not the end, it’s the beginning of a journey with Christ that will be the most important relationship you will ever have. As you grow in faith, the points where you are will no longer contain your destiny in Christ. There will be pain and struggle, but that is what it takes to make you stronger, wiser, thus better than you are right now.
Reference Scripture(s): Ephesians 1:15-17; 1 John 2:3-6