Desktop Devotional: Fourteen

Unity in Leadership is what my Pastor asked me to write about at the beginning of 2019.  Some days it is a struggle to remain whole or positive. The enemy throws so many darts, and he often uses that which I am exposed to each day.  Let me share with you 3 scriptures that may help you on your Christian journey.  I post them on my desktop as a constant reminder of how important it is to govern my mind by the Spirit of God because when living by the Spirit of God, my daily walk is parallel to God’s will.  The results offer me a focus for life where I am fulfilling God’s purpose through faith, and not what I can figure out on my own. Let’s take a look:

  • “(Romans 8:6) The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”  So many times I will get consumed by the world and what it has to offer for my life. Often, the world offers chaos, lies, and deceit.  To set myself apart from the “noise” of the enemy, I find a quiet place to feed my spirit with the word of God. This time with God’s word gives me so much peace!  It helps to prepare me for the fiery darts that could possibly be thrown my way, and it keeps my spirit from breaking. So, I am usually on alert when the enemy throws a “curve ball” and I can respond to a situation with a Godly approach, rather than a worldly one.

  • “(Galatians 5:25) Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit of God.”  This scripture supports the previous one in that when we have the faith to live according to God’s Spirit, we don’t lose the pathway that God is leading us on.  Our goals and aspirations become parallel to his goals and aspirations for our lives.

  • “(2Corinthians 5:7) For we live by Faith, not be Sight.”  This scripture is the heart and soul of the prior two.  God’s grace is powerful, but if we don’t have the faith to trust God and his grace toward us, none of what was written until now matters.  Faith is all we have to please God by. Why? It gives us the hope we need to survive this life and future situations we have yet to conquer all because we trust in a God bigger than ourselves.  There’s no glory in what you can do on your own, you don’t need faith for that. But, you must have faith in God to help you manifest the impossible, and unforeseeable!

Blessings to you for a prosperous year.  May the close of the seasons to come bring you peace, love and much joy as we celebrate Christ, and celebrate the Christ in us who continues to develop us through life’s situations.  Always pray, without hesitation and watch God do the miraculous.